Are you at risk of losing your life to anger? Are you a "rageaholic" without even knowing it? Find out your anger/hostility index by taking the Anger Self-Assessment Test.
Answer true or false to the following questions. Please be honest, fearlessly and searchingly honest. There is much to gain and you don’t have to share the results with anyone but yourself.
Your Results:
If you answered true to 5 or more questions, you are above average in your angry feelings, but learning some anger management techniques can make you happier.
If you answered true to 10 or more of these questions, you are prone to anger problems. It’s time for a change.
If you answered trye to 15 or more you are dangerously close to losing your life to anger. You are a "rageaholic".
What do I do now?
Click here for What you should do today!